The Reidys

The first time I ever heard of Molly was when my son came home from school and we looked at a picture of all the kids in their class’ Lego creations.  If you know anything about our family we are SERIOUS Lego enthusiasts.  We totally judged the Lego creations and Molly’s was the best! Fast forward about two years and now Phoenix says Molly is his best friend.  I’m not sure how good Brian and Paula Lego creations are but they’ve become close friends too! We are so grateful for them!

On my 10 mile runs I’ve been scoping great spots around the Carrollton Greenbelt to take portraits at – here is one of them! So much green! It reminds me of the east coast spots that I had to take photos.  

Location: Carrollton Texas Greenbelt Furneaux and Cemetery Hill