Happy Birthday Milo!

This kid! Milo is almost 2! Isn’t his outfit so perfect? I LOVE IT! I had to work pretty hard at getting this guy to smile for me – but it was totally worth it – so sweet! He was such a great model and listener.  Courtney and Jenn are going to look back on these photos even when he’s just a few months older and marvel at how much he’s grown! Even through the challenges of raising kids – photographs (especially having the photos on display in your houses) help us appreciate our family members.  Everyone needs a little more appreciation in our lives, right?


I love love love ideas for family photo sessions.  The are super sweet and cute AND the biggest advantage is that they keep the littles entertained, involved in doing something, and not focused on taking photos but having fun.  I love getting playing and walking photos to accomplish this, but when you have a theme the shoot has more possibilities for different sets of photographs.  Courtney, Jenn, and Milo had a really cute tea party! Set with a tiered tray, cups and saucers, adorable teacup, and yummy munchies. (Psst! Check out the bottom of this post for different ideas for your family’s themed photo shoot!)


I love showing outtakes from shoots.  Parenting is so like this…”you guys stand over here and look really snugly and cute…Milo you sit over here right next to me and I’m going to take some photos while you get a break…” 1 minute later…he totally walks in the shot! I love this image though because it is so real!

Their cute tea party details! Milo said he was serving coffee..not tea.  

Also because I always like to comment on a good set of outfit choices – here it is! It looks so effortless but I know that much thought was given into colors and what kind of outfits – it’s so great! Way to go guys! 

Location: Carrollton, Texas; AW Perry Homestead Museum

Different ideas for your family’s themed photo shoot:
-Milk and cookies splurge
-Watermelon feast
-Bucket bubble bath
-Baseball field family game
-Family field day events
-Family Olympics
-Joint canvas painting and paint fight
-Pajama party
-Lemonade stand
-Camping themed