Pre-session planning meeting
Do you like when people listen to you?
One of my pet peeves is when people are more interested in themselves when I’m trying to talk to them about something that is important to me. It’s a give a take relationship because you think what you’re talking about is important but at the same time you have to listen to the other person because they’re important too. It’s a mind swirling kind of thing.
It’s something we emphasis in our home every single day. Other people are important, they’re more important than ourselves. Treat other people as more important than you.
So that’s what I bring to the pre-session planning meeting.
Usually this happens in your home and I come and sit and listen to you. I’ll ask you a few leading questions, but I’m really there to listen to what you say. Because it’s IMPORTANT, you’re important!
Here are some of the questing I might ask (this isn’t based off of a script so they’re never the same!)
When was the last time you had photos taken?
What was that like?
Where do you see your photos from our session living in your home?
What are some characteristics of your kids that you want me to focus on during the
photo session?
What do the photos look like that you've always imagined on the walls of your home?
So why do you have to answer all these questions?
Well you’re important to me! Also, it sets up both up for success! I always give this example…
If you’ve always dreamed of having square photos in your living room, but you never tell me…then you might get photos that you’re disappointed with. If I don’t ask - or don’t listen…then I’ll never know this about you! Not all photos can be cropped as squares!
This photo’s crop is very tight! I would suggest using a rectangle crop instead. The sisters on the end look like they’re being pushed out of the family!
This is a much better example of a photo that can be cropped square.
So all in all, setting out all the expectations is the way I like things to roll! Everyone is happier in the end!